Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 11, 2012

November 11, 2012

First, announcements:
- We have gotten off track a little with the original due date sheet I sent out. I want to update some of those and I will have a new paper printed out for next week.

- Family Roots papers need to be finished (most students are done or almost done after class today) and posted onto the blog before next class, Nov. 18. Auggie and Lucas have already posted, so they don't need to do anything further with this.

- Wisdom of the Guides interviews are not due on Dec. 2 so that everyone has more time to meet with or get ahold of people who might not live close to you. Each student needs to write a paragraph after each interview summing up what guidance they got from the person they interviewed.

- This I Believe we started talking about today in class. We will explore it more next week and write them on Dec 2 and Dec 9. This isn't something the students have to do anything with until after they turn their family roots in next week.

- Bible study we are going to go over through December.

These updates with the schedule should keep us on schedule to spend as much time as we need/want to on each topic and project.

Today in class, we started with a discussion with David Jordan about historically, what made someone Jewish during different parts of history. We discussed how that distinction affected someone's life greatly and what choices they did and did not have in regards to what religion they were treated as. He will post with a much more articulate description than this short bit about his presentation.

For the second half of class, we worked on finishing our Family Roots projects. Most everyone is either done or on the very last parts. Callie found sound fascinating new information for hers. It is amazing when you find something that is over 100 years old that tells so much of your  history and the thoughts that went into important decisions for your family.

Next week, we will share our Family Roots projects with each other and begin learning about This I Believe. Students started brainstorming things they believed in today during our bagel break. Ask your child what he/she decided he/she believes in.

See you all next week.


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